Durgashakti Vahini for safety of women Haryana | Chatra Parivahan Suraksha Yojana

Durgashakti Vahini for safety of women Haryana | Chatra Parivahan Suraksha Yojana

The state Chief Minister of Haryana state, Mr. Manohar Lal, has announced the formation of ‘Durgashakti Vahini’ Force. The new force thus announced will be special type of Women’s Task fork that has been announced for launch looking into the security and safety of the women. As per the statements made, the new task force will aim at eliminating the cases of criminal activities going on against women in the state. The new initiative has been taken by the government after the implementation of the Jhajjar’s Jaagriti project.

Under the new initiative the state government wants to offer assurance to the Girls within the state regarding their safety. They can freely travel to workplace or public place without fear.

Chatra Parivahan Suraksha Haryana

Launch details

The new initiative regarding the formation of special Task force was made official by the CM of the state, Manohar Lal Khattar. The announcement was made by the CM while announcing the launch of other scheme for safety of Girl’s and women in the state.

Kay Features

  • The new initiative has been taken by the state government such that the Girls within the state will be able to move about freely without fear. The new initiative will also ensure that the girls are able to reach to their work place or school and institutions freely and safely.
  • The state government will be launching the new tasks force along with implementation of other schemes for safety of girls and women statewide including the ‘Chatra Parivahan Suraksha Yojana’.
  • With the formation of the women task force, it is obvious that the implementation of such schemes will be easier as the girls and women of the state will be able to directly contact the women nodal officers for their requirements.

It is obvious that the new initiative has been taken by the state government looking into the rising number of crime against women and Girls. With the formation of such task force for women will ensure that the safety of Girls and women in the state is a major concern to the state government.

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