Integrated Scheme for Development of Silk Industry

Centrally Sponsored Sericulture Scheme – Integrated Scheme for Development of Silk Industry

A new scheme has been proposed by the CCEA termed as the Central Sector Sericulture Scheme. The new scheme has been approved officially by the Union Cabinet. As per the statements collected, the scheme aims at developing the Silk industry by integrating various other schemes. The new scheme for implementation also aims at promoting the women empowerment within the SC and ST categories. This scheme will also prove helpful to offer beneficiaries with a chance of livelihood.

Integrated Scheme for Development of Silk Industry

Launch details

The new scheme for implementation has been approved under the leadership of Narendra Modi (Prime Minister). As per the statements the scheme has been designed to be implemented for a period of 2017 – 2020.

Set Budget

As per the sources the central government and Union Cabinet have already agreed to set a budget of Rs 2161.68 crore for implementation of the new scheme for the silk Industries and women empowerment. As per the statements the government under the scheme will try and create between 85 lakhs to 1 crore job prospects for the women belonging to SC and ST category.

Key Features

  • One of the main benefits offered by the scheme is that it will help improve the development within the silk industries. It will also offer and open up new opportunities for women within the nation.
  • The new scheme once implemented will also help in creating more and better job opportunities for women in this sector and belonging to the backward category.
  • Under the new scheme the government will try and increase the silk production within the country so the government may not have to import much silk from other nations. This task will be completed by the government by 2022.
  • As a part of the scheme and to ensure that it is implemented properly the government will focus mainly on implementing and upgrading new and already existing technology. The government will also try and develop more varieties of host plant for silk production.
  • The government will also ensure that they try and develop a breed of silk worms that are resistant to the diseases conditions. The government shall make use of research and development methods for developing new silk worm breed that is of much better quality.
  • The main objective of the new scheme implementation is to help encourage the promotion of products that are silk based including other by-products like sericin (cosmetic applications) and poultry feeds. The government will also try and promote non woven silk products – fabrics, knits and denim to get better value.

Scheme Components

 The four main components of the new silk scheme are as follows:-

  • Under the new implementation it is obvious that the government aims at offering with better technology transfer, IT initiatives and Training along with R&D (Research and Development).
  • The government for more effective implementation will try and set up extension centers for farmers and organizations for quality seeds.
  • The government for implementation of the scheme will also try and create better market place for silk products and yarns. It will also focus on developing better quality seed market place and coordination techniques.
  • The government will also ensure that the beneficiaries under the scheme are offered with QCS (Quality Certification System). It will try and create improved silk testing facilities, up-gradation of farm technology at the time of post cocoon stage, along with creating better promotional offers for marketing and exporting of silk brands.
  • The government has also made it clear that it shall try and implement the scheme with in a period of three years. The process of implementation will be done by the government on account of set budget.

Target – Integrated Scheme for Silk industry development

It is obvious that the new scheme is designed by the central government with an aim to help increase the silk production. It is expected that under the new scheme the government expects to increase the production to 38500 metric tones from 30348 metric tones. This will be achieved by the government by 2022 end. The government also aims at implementing the following interventions for effective achievement:-

  • The government will mainly try and focus on increasing the overall production of silk substitute (Bivoltine silk) by 2020 to around 8500 metric tones.
  • The government will also make best use of R&D factor so it can develop much better silk reeling machines that are automated for Mulberry trees. It will also help in developing better Buniyad machinery (Vanya Silk) that will be completely made and developed in the country. This move will also help in improving the silk quality along with the better production to meet the increasing market demand.

Sericulture improvement in schemes

As compared to the previous scheme it is obvious that the government has made a number of improvements under the new scheme.

  • One of the main improvements is to try and make India efficient to help produce better quality silk within the country. The government aims at helping to develop quality silk in high quantity such that the import of silk can be minimized. To meet this, the government will ensure to produce 20650 MT of silk as compared to 11326 MT quantity presently.
  • The governments main focus is to try and develop better silk quality and to make this effective the government will increase its silk grade from 4A (15 percent presently to over 25 percent) by 2020 of Mulberry production.
  • The government has also stated to implement the scheme for effectiveness by integrating with other schemes like PMKSY (Agricultural Ministry), RKVY and MGNREGS of rural development. This will also offer with more benefits to the silk producers.
  • R&D projects will be initiated by HR department, Agricultural and Technological departments. The project will mainly focus on developing silkworm breeds that are disease resistant along with enhancing productivity, waving and reeling implementation, tool development and better quality plant breeds.

The government will mainly focus on developing technology and cold storages, quality seeds and by products using silk as main raw material. Apart from this the government will also focus on developing mobile disinfectant units to help silk product boost with in the country.

The government has also stated that it shall take major steps in promoting the silk products for export and domestic use.

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