MP Mukhyamantri Mahila Kosh Scheme

MP Mukhyamantri Mahila Kosh Scheme – Pension to Single Women Above 50 Years

With an aim to encourage women empowerment at the time of International Women’s Day event, The state government of Madhya Pradesh has announced to introduce the Mukhya Mantri Mahila Kosh Scheme.  Under the new scheme the state government has announced to offer with pension to the woman beneficiaries who are of unmarried status (Single) and are over 50 years of age.

Mukhyamantri Mahila Kosh Scheme Madhya Pradesh

Launch details

As per the updates the new scheme to be implemented has been officially announced by the Chief Minister of the state Shivraj Singh Chauhan. The scheme for implementation was officially announced by the CM on 8th March 2018.

Eligibility criteria

  • To get the full benefit under the Mahila Kosh pension Scheme the beneficiary has to be the local resident of the state of Madhya Pradesh by birth. It is also important that the beneficiary has to be single women and of unmarried status.
  • It is also important that the beneficiary should meet the minimum age criteria of 50 years to apply for pension under the scheme for withdrawing pension amounts.

Key features

  • As per the government statements the new scheme will offer women beneficiaries with benefit of collecting regular pension amount by the state government once they turn 50 years old.
  • The scheme has been launched by the state government with an aim to promote women empowerment and to help the single women and girls to get a chance to be independent for their livelihood.
  • With an aim to help women stay independent the government has stated that the beneficiaries will be able to withdraw pension amount on monthly basis from the state government. This will help in offering the pride and dignity to single girls and women of the state so they can live independently. Apart from this the government has also made it clear that as part of the scheme the government will ensure that women and girls get their rights in the society.
  • As the unmarried girl and single women of the state will be withdrawing regular pension from the state government so they will also have a chance to earn respect and dignity from the male dominating society.
  • The pension amount will be offered to the unmarried girl of the state till the time she gets married. For effective women empowerment in the state the government will also enforce regulations and laws for immediate action.
  • As per the government, under the scheme the single women who are over 50 years of age will get a chance to live independently with convenience.

The new initiative has been taken by the state government to offer women with equal social status and to protect their rights. The government aims at running this scheme in parallel along with other implemented schemes like NNM (National Nutrition Mission) and BBBP (Beti Bachao Beti Padhao) Pan India Expansion scheme.

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