Rajasthan Bhamashah Card Welfare Scheme – Benefits of the card

Rajasthan Bhamashah Card Welfare Scheme for BPL Women

The state government of Rajasthan had launched the Bhamashah card and Bhamashah Scheme in 2014 within the state. This scheme is named “Bhamashah”, he was the advisor who helped Maharana Pratap. The scheme was launched with an aim to help empower women of the state who belong to the BPL (Below Poverty Line) category families.  The new scheme offers women beneficiaries with direct benefit transfer in the bank account. The scheme funds could be directly transferred in bank account of selected women.

Bhamashah Card Welfare Scheme

Benefits of Bhamashah card

  • The government launched this card with an aim to direct deposit funds in beneficiary bank account by the state government.
  • The state government also issued the Bhamashah card in the name of the women in the family to offer them with status of being head of the family.
  • The government had also stated that the card is mandatory to be produced at the time of claiming for marriage, death and birth certificates for any member of the family.

Need of Bhamashah card

  • Apart from claiming for necessary certifications from the government departments, the card is also mandatory at the time of making any claims for benefits under government schemes within the state.
  • Women who are not holding a valid Bhamashah card are not eligible to get the benefit of various welfare scheme issued by the government.
  • Under the Bhamashah Yojana the beneficiaries will be able to take a credit limit of Rs 50,000 under the scheme.
  • Each beneficiary who is receiving the benefit via Mukhyamantri Rajshri scheme within the state is eligible to get the benefit of Rs 2500 directly in their bank account at the end of first year via Bhamashah card.
  • The state government has also stated that each beneficiary who is eligible will be given with an incentive of Rs 2500 in the same bank account directly via Bhamashah card the moment all vaccinations have been given to the girl child and mother.
  • The new scheme launched in 2016 was aimed at eliminating the number of female child foeticide and encourage education for girl child within the state.
  • According to the sources only around 12.55 percent of the women beneficiaries who were holding Bhamashah cards could be provided with the benefit under Rajshri scheme while others who did not have the cards were deprived of the benefits.
  • The state government has also stated that over 2000 beneficiaries could in fact not take the benefit of the government scheme in Barmer District under the PMAG yojana.
  • First installment was paid to 9206 beneficiaries in 2016. After the government declared Bhamashah card as mandatory, then during the payment of second installment, most beneficiaries were deprived of the benefits due to lack of holding Bhamashah card.

Bhamashah Card importance under PMAY urban

  • As per latest stats the state government has been making a request from all people living in the Urban areas to get registered for availing the Bhamashah card.
  • The government has been educating the people how to take benefit of this card under the PMAYG scheme that was earlier launched by the Prime Minister for providing with affordable housing facilities to poor people under affordable home scheme.
  • The Bhamashah card offers with credit limit of Rs 50,000 so this limit had to be lowered by the state government for second installment from Rs 60,000 to Rs 48,000.
  • To avail the benefit the state government requested beneficiaries to convert Jan Dhan linked account into regular account.
  • According to the sources the government has made it clear that the Bhamashah account will not be transformed into general category account for the beneficiaries.
  • Due to this restriction there are still a number of beneficiaries who will not be able to make the claim for second installment as they are registered under the Bhamashah Yojana for this fiscal year.
  • In order to collect the payment of second installment of Rs 48,000 the state government has also requested the beneficiaries to try and provide with details of their second operational account where the funds can be released.

The state government wants to ensure that each beneficiary registered under the scheme belonging to BPL category gets the benefits of government schemes directly. With this aim the state government has promised to take necessary steps for smooth implementation of the scheme.

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