Uchchatar Avishkar Yojana

Uchchatar Avishkar Yojana 

As the entire world getting digitalized and with the introduction of more and more innovative technologies, the developing countries like India should be well aware of the current scenarios and they supposed to inhered the current technologies so that the citizens would able to enjoy the growth and feasibility of modern technologies. On considering that fact and with the intention of the promoting new modern technologies which are considered to the necessary in terms of industrial aspects the central government of India launched Uchchatar Avishkar Yojana.

Uchchatar Avishkar Yojana

What special about Uchchatar Avishkar Yojana?

Unlike the other normal schemes and plans which are often released by the governments of India, this Uchchatar Avishkar Yojana (UAY) is somehow different to those and it mainly focuses the growth of the industrial sectors of the nation.

Under this yojana, the industrial sectors are to be improved with the introduction of the modern latest technologies directly into the manufacturing units with respect to the requirements and needs to the respective industries.

When did the idea of this yojana proposed in India?

The Idea of promoting the latest technologies in the Indian industrial sectors with the influences of the manufacturing units need was first proposed in the 6th All Indian Manufacturing Summit. The summit which held in the IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) in the year of 2015 has the participants of the top manufacturing companies all over the nation.

How the scheme UAY works?

The UAY scheme has the solo administration which held by the Higher Education Department of the India, and it is expected that the program is to be launched very soon. Also from the trusted source, it is confirmed that the UAY program will be introduced initially at the premier higher educational institutes of the nation like IITs and so.

Also the UAY administration has requested the higher educational sectors of the nation to layout the promotional aspects of the program in a successful manner. By distributing the set of guidelines to the premier institutes of the nation, the UAY administrations asked the educational units to follow the protocols for the scheme promotions.

Vision of the scheme

The main motive of the scheme is to introduce the latest and modern technology to the students of the premier educational institutes of nation, as they are the primary target of the manufacturing companies to pick their potential employees. With the introduction of the UAY, the students from those educational institutes able to gain practical knowledge of those modern technologies which ease the process of manufacturing units and industrial plants to boost its growth.

Key points about the UAY

  • During the initial stage the UAY will be implemented only among the premier educational units across the nations such as IITs and so. The implementation will be carried along with the partnership of the respective industries.
  • With the implementation of the UAY in the higher educational sectors of the nation, it will lay strong path towards the innovative ideas and working process through research and practical studies by the students.
  • The introduction of the UAY among the educational sectors will bring the unity among the scholars all over the nation with the single intention of developing growth by improving the output.
  • The students from those educational sectors will be involved in the projects which lead towards the innovative ideas and improved outcome. The project would be normally funded by the institutes; however the 1/4th of the cost will be handled by the industries.
  • The fund structure and project guidelines will be given by the central government of India very soon, mostly within the month of February. In order to supervise the projects carried under UAY there has been a special team formed in the IIT Kanpur which holds the authority of approving the projects done under the UAY.

As of the government is about to spend nearly 25 Cr for the projects on the yearly basis, the funds will be allocated to the projects which are about to be carried by the students under this UAY. However, the source of the funds will be from various sectors like human resource developments, industrial sectors and so. The funds for the projects will be funded twice per year and those two installments will be provided after proper verifications of the work flow of the project by the respective governance team members.


The plan of introducing UAY in the educational sectors is highly welcomed by the experts all over the nation, as it will surely lay strong foundation for the upcoming generations to come up with innovative ideas.

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