Deendayal Gram Roshni Yojana in Rajasthan

Deendayal Gram Roshni Yojana in Rajasthan

Recently, the State Government of Rajasthan has introduced a new scheme called as Deendayal Gram Roshni Yojana. This scheme starts today itself. The main aim of this new scheme is providing non-stop power supply to the rural areas in Rajasthan.

Deendayal Gram Roshni Yojana in Rajasthan

The initiative of this amazing scheme is the honorable Deendayal Upadhyaya who is the famous Political Philosopher in India. Actually, this scheme is first started to introduce by the Central Government of Narendra Modi.

Intention of launching this scheme

The main objective of this scheme is to sort out the power supplies problems faced by major parts of the state Rajasthan, especially in the rural areas. Initially, the Ministry of power launches this new scheme and helps to satisfy the demand of power in Rajasthan. Nowadays, the demand of power supply is rapidly increased because of enhancing the living standards and modifying the consumer base, so that augmentation of rural infrastructure needs to be undertaken on a daily basis.

Due to the bad financial health in the distribution companies, the distribution network investment is very low. The power supplying network needs to be strengthened in order to enhance the power distribution capabilities throughout the cities. To fulfill all these demands, the Rajasthan Government has introduced this Yojana that started recently. With this new scheme, people from rural areas will get continuous power supply and gain benefits.

Great features of Deendayal Gram Roshni Yojana

It is a new Government of India’s scheme implemented by the state government of Rajasthan. It is mainly designed to offer the continuous and nonstop power supply to rural areas of the Rajasthan state. This is one of the major initiatives of the current NDA government led by Mr. Narendra Modi. The key features of this new project are given below:

  • With the help of the scheme, power distribution in rural areas will improve and it will lay strong foundation for getting uninterrupted power supply to almost every villages of the state.
  • Also in times of high demand load reduction, based on consumption, according to meter consumers in rural areas and improve the electricity bill would be given more power.
  • Projects permitting process will begin shortly. After getting permission to complete projects and distribution contract will state distribution companies. Projects within a period of 24 months from the award of contracts must be fulfilled

What benefit villagers will get under this scheme?

  • All villages in the Rajasthan state to be electrified under this Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana. After that no village will remain without electricity.
  • Farmers provided with sufficient power supply for feeder separation and regular supply to electricity consumers all around the state. Now with the help of power supply they can use the latest techniques for cropping. And hence improve the more chances in agriculture
  • By giving electricity supply to almost every villages of the state, school going children now able to study in the nights with the aid of artificial lights and it eventually decrease the school drops outs and increase the school going student’s numbers.

Power supply needs of the country gets increasing due to the increasing of the nation’s population along with the technical advancement which drives people towards the usage of more electronic gadgets. Not only that, as the power will increase its accessibility to those people so it will contribute to growth of the country itself.

Scheme’s Vision

As announced by the Prime Minister to bring electricity to every household by 2019, the newly implemented scheme Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana in Rajasthan state is being effectively implemented and Monitoring by the state government.

While addressing the people, the Prime Minister, exclaims that we aim to earn a fixed period under the scheme integrates a population of 100 people; continue to strive for the electrification of all whole country.

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