Free Education Scheme for girls for postgraduate (PG) in Karnataka

Free Education Scheme for girls for postgraduate in Karnataka state

The Karnataka state is about to implement Free Education Scheme for girls who are all studying in PG courses even in private Institutes too. It is an innovative step to boost girl’s higher education in the state of Karnataka. With respect to the statement provided by the Minister Basavaraja the girls are given free education in government instructions up to their UG courses.

Karnataka Free Education Scheme for girls

Launch Details

The free education scheme to the girls for their PG course in the Karnataka state was promulgated by the current CM  on 16th of February 2018 during his budget presentation at state assembly.

Key features

  • This scheme for the girls who are willing to study in the postgraduate courses will boost the education. The main objective of this scheme is to increase the rate of the knowledge of girls in the state
  • Under this scheme, the state government offers financial aid to the girls up to postgraduate level. Firstly the government will complete the fees of the girls in the form of scholarship, which will be credited directly to the respective girl’s bank account.
  • Students needed to pay their fees during the admission time by their own and then thereafter it will be refunded by the government to the respective student’s account. However, only the admission fee will be provided under this scheme not the examination fees to the students for their educations.

Budget 2018

While the scheme is open for all girl students in the state, the government wishes that only students from economically poor sections will opt for the scheme. The funds assigned for the scheme is, however, merely 110 crore. The government desires that only students from families that have an annual income of less than Rs 10 lakh opt for the scheme.

By launching this welfare scheme followed by the Punjab and Telangana states of the nation, Karnataka state is about to offer benefits to about 18L girl students. This scheme will surely play a impact on improving the girl’s education ratio in the state.

Other Schemes

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