High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS) Scheme for Power Supply to farmers in Maharashtra

High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS) Scheme for Power Supply to farmers in Maharashtra

A new scheme has officially been approved by the Maharashtra state Government termed as the HVDS scheme (High Voltage Distribution System). The scheme has been announced for the Farmers of the state who are making use of the Agricultural water Pumps at their farm lands.

High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS) Scheme Maharashtra

Launch Details

The new scheme for official implementation was announced by Devendra Fadnavis – State of Maharashtra Chief Minister. Apart from this, Chandrashekhar Bawankule (States Power Minister) has also agreed for the implementation and launch of the new scheme.

Set Budget

As per the statements collected from the State Union Ministry, the state government has already announced the set budget of Rs 5048 crore for the implementation of the scheme. The government has also stated that the new scheme will offer benefit to over 2.24 lakh farmers of the state.

Key features

  • Under the new scheme it is obvious that the farmers will be provided with electricity connections for running the water pumps at their farm lands via HVDS. Any farmer who has already applied for the new electricity connection can get the benefit of the scheme.
  • It is also expected that the farmers will also be able to share Transformer under the HDVS lines. The lines will be laid for the farmers by 15th August onwards till 31st March 2018.
  • Under the present time only about 10 or 15 percent of the farmers are getting electricity at the farm lands using 100 to 65 KVA line. The new system will also ensure that it will replace present low voltage system and reduce power cut due to failure of the low voltage transformer and Power lines.
  • The government has also made a budget of Rs 600 core in the project within the Vidarbha and Marathwada regions in the scheme. The Power distribution company – Mahavitaran has also assured that a loan amount of Rs 2500 crore will be made as request by the company for implementation of the scheme state wide.

It is obvious that with the implementation of the above mentioned scheme the state of Maharashtra will become self dependent for the production and distribution of electricity to the state farmers for their farm lands.

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