Mukhya Mantri Shikshak Samman Yojana in Himachal Pradesh

Mukhya Mantri Shikshak Samman Yojana in Himachal Pradesh

Teachers are the most crucial aspect to education. Hence keeping the teachers happy is how the state of education can be improved. By recognizing the hard work they put in day in and day out and giving them the correct value for their efforts, the state of education and learning can be given a boost. This is perhaps what Himachal Pradesh government has decided to do.

Mukhya Mantri Shikshak Samman Yojana

They have launched a new scheme called Shikshak Samman Yojana in order to distribute awards to the teachers of Himachal Pradesh. This award is for those teachers who have provided 100% results in the Mathematics, science and arts subjects for the past 5 years. Truly, such teachers deserve recognition and now it can be provided to them via this scheme.

What is the Mukhya Mantri Shikshak Samman Yojana (MMSSY) all about?

As already stated, the government believes that the teachers are the main driving force behind the good performance of students. Hence it wants to give teachers an appraisal for their continued efforts.

This is the first effort by any state government to give appraisal to the teachers of their state. Not just that, the teachers who are eligible for availing its benefits will be given a chance to extend their service by one year. Usually the age of retirement of teachers is 60 years but under this scheme, the eligible teachers will get one additional year’s service if they want it. It will also be good for the state if they continue their services for one more year because the students can receive their well guidance for one more year. This could mean that another batch of students will come out in a proper manner with good education from this scheme.

From the teachers’ point of view, this will be a great motivation because one more year they will be of service and will receive the benefits of their job. They will not have to face retirement. They can also impart their knowledge and their experience can come of use to the students and the next generation.

But that is not all – the teachers don’t only get assistance with job extension, they also get financial and cash benefits. The best part of being awarded with generosity is giving teachers their due for excellence and this is what the extra financial assistance is aimed to provide them with.

Objectives of this scheme

  • The government not only wants to improve the education system, but it also wants to raise the level of education – the quality of learning that the students are receiving. This can only be done by the teachers.
  • This is why it wants to inspire the teachers to give better teaching to their students. It is also aiming to evaluate the quality of education in government schools.
  • Teachers will also be trained in every aspect by this new scheme. This will promote teachers’ employment and self employment chances and it will give students the impetus to work better towards getting a better future.

Is this really necessary? How will it affect?

To answer these questions we have to take a quick look at the current scenario of the state and its educational development. For this, take a look at these statistics derived from the government –

  • Himachal Pradesh is one of those states in the country that has a high literacy rate. Not just high in the overall literacy rate, but it also has a well balanced male and female literacy ratio.
  • As per 2001 census, the literacy rate in the state is 76.5%. The data has also improved in the last decade. As of 2011 census the literacy rate in the state was around 82.8%. The government wants to take this to 100% in the upcoming census. Hence the scheme has been launched to boost this growth.
  • The male literacy rate has been found to be 89.5% while the female literacy rate is 75.9%. The government aims to improve this ratio, even though it is better compared to several other states in the country.
  • There are also several instances of school dropouts in the state. The state government is looking into the matter to reduce such instances in the future.
  • The state government has aimed to increase the leadership skills and employment opportunities for the teachers. Hence they will be provided special training to achieve these targets.

As soon as the government has started this scheme, it has been seen that there is an improvement in the numbers. This shows that there is clearly a positive effect of implementation of this scheme.

Opening of new educational institutes

Just motivating the teachers are not enough. It is also equally important to encourage the schools and colleges to have more teachers and to create job opportunities for the future teachers in the state this way more and more people can get education and the disparity between male and female education can be overcome.

In order to do this, the government has also announced that apart from the Shikshak Samman Yojana they will also be establishing new schools in the state. Higher secondary schools will be opened in every constituency.  In fact these two high secondary schools that will be constructed in every constituency will be called “Aadarsh Vidyalaya” (ideal schools). Already 1329 schools have either been opened up or upgraded.  42 new colleges have also been constructed under this scheme.

The Aadarsh Vidyalayas will pave the way for a better future and will be model schools for the rest of the country and the state – this is what these schools are opened with the objective of.

College teachers also under the MMSSY scheme?

Yes, college teachers are also to be taken into account under this scheme. If you are a student who is currently pursuing an undergraduate level degree course, then you will have education as one of your subjects from now on. This is also to inculcate the importance of education among all students.

The college professors and assistant teachers shall also be recognized for their contribution. They will also be eligible to receive the special grants and the benefits that are being given under this scheme.

If your collage has four thousand or more pupils in it, you will be eligible to enter this scheme. You can get your service extended up to one year (just like the school teachers). Also, you can stand a chance to win some financial benefits.

Things to note –

According to the CM, 1177 new posts have been created for the teachers in both schools and colleges. Also an initial grant of Rs. 5 crore has been given to all the colleges that have been opened up recently.

A tabular overview

Serial No. About Info
1 Scheme launch date
2 Scheme launched in state Himachal Pradesh
3 College teachers’ provision for eligibility 4000 or more students
4 Eligibility for benefits and extension 100% results in last 5 years
5 Scheme applicable only for Trained Graduate Teachers and Post graduate Teachers, Headmasters and Principals
6 Scheme launched by CM Virbhadra Singh
7 Scheme received due approval on Nov 2016
Department that is in charge Dept. of Education, Himachal Pradesh
8 Implementation date Yet to be announced

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