{icds-wcd.nic.in} PM National Nutrition Mission (NNM)

PM Modi to launch National Nutrition Mission (NNM) Rajasthan on 8th March for Children & Pregnant Women @icds-wcd.nic.in

The central government is all set to launch a nutritional scheme for the children and pregnant women of the country. With benefitting 10 Cr people all over the world, the Prime Minister National Nutrition Mission will soon be launched in the nation. Under this scheme children aged between 6 months to 3 years will get nutritious food. Those who are suffering from low weights and malnutrition will get benefitted from the scheme.

National Nutrition Mission

Launch Details

The scheme hasn’t launched yet in India. Central Cabinet has given its nod to this mission during the month of December 2017. However the scheme took some time to launch officially. On 8th of March 2018, the mission will officially launch in the state of Rajasthan. It is the International Women’s Day on 8th March when the National Nutrition Mission for child and pregnant women will be launched. The official website of the mission is http://icds-wcd.nic.in/nnm/home.htm.

Key Features

  • Aim: The main aim of the scheme is to provide proper nutrition to the children and to the pregnant women in the country. Under this mission ration produce will be given to them at subsides prices so that everyone gets nutritious food to survive.
  • Scheme period: The scheme will be in action for 3 long years. Started from financial year 2017-18, it will end up in the financial year 2019-2020. In three consecutive years various regions will be covered.
  • Beneficiaries: Around 10 Cr people will be covered as beneficiaries in this mission. This includes infants of aged 6 months to kids aged 3 years. Pregnant ladies who are suffering from malnutrition and also lactating ladies who aren’t getting proper nutrition will also be eligible for the mission. NNM focuses on people from economically weaker section.
  • Supervision: The scheme will be supervised by the Anganwadi women. The central government will pay additional Rs. 500/- to the women in anganwadi for supervising the mission in a smart way that is proper using of technology.
  • NRCs: The central will soon open Nutrition Resource Centres at various places across the nation under this mission. Around 315 districts will be covered under this mission in first year. Other 235 districts will be covered in next year. Finally remaining districts will be covered in last year.

Issues to be focussed under NNM – Target of the Mission

  • There are 3 issues where the mission will be focussed. Firstly the central is aiming to reduce the low-weight problem among children by 2% per year through this National Nutrition Mission.
  • Secondly the growing rate of anaemia will also get reduced under this scheme. The rate of anaemia will be reduced by 3% per annum among the adolescence girls, children and women across the nation through implementing this mission.
  • Thirdly, the mission will help to encourage Mission 25 by 2022. The stunting rate will be reduced to 25% by the end of 2022 from the current rate 38.4% by operating under NNM scheme.

Budget & Funding (2017 – 2020)

  • Central Government of India has allocated Rs. 9046 Cr for this mission on yearly basis operation. As mentioned that there will be three phases (one phase a year) in the mission, each phase will be funded by three parties, central government, state government and IBRD or MDB.
  • The ratio of funding the mission state-wise is 50:50 that is government will fund 50% of the total budget and the rest 50% will be funded by any of the IBRD or MDB.
  • The share of central government here will be 60% and the rest 40% will be borne by the state government.
  • For the North-Eastern region states and Himalayan states the ratio of funding will be 90% by central government and 10% by the state government. On the other for the states without legislature, share of central government would be 100%.

Reporting & Monitoring

The central has adopted 6 fixed tier for the monitoring and reporting under the mission. There are 6 officials/departments that will make the system of monitoring.

Anganwadi Worker is the lowest tier of all. They will report to Anganwadi Supervisors. Then the Anganwadi Supervisors will report to the Child Development Project Officers. Afterwards Child Development Project Officers will present their reports to the District Officials for approval.

In the state level, there will be number of officials recruited by the State Chief Secretary. They will receive the reports from District Officials. Further the reports will be sent to the Central government officers at central level.

Mission Implementation

The mission will use Latest Information Technology to implement and supervise the scheme. This will reduce the work load for the Anganwadi Workers. The central will use Smartphone to operate the scheme so that workers can easily handle the technology and work under the mission.

This mission will also be supervising the record of nutritional food and supplements under Integrated Child Development Scheme. Anganwadi, Asha and Auxiliary Nurse Midwife workers will be responsible for distribution of such supplements.


A large part of the population in India is suffering from malnutrition. Having low-weight, not getting proper food are the main reasons for unhealthy child birth and other health issues that women get affected by. NNM will be a solution to all such problems, as the government is keen to reduce such issues by large amount under this mission.

At the time of Launch of the new NNM program in the state it is also expected that PM shall be distributing awards to the women and children in the state under the Nari shakti abhiyan. The statement was also officially confirmed by the official sources.


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