Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana in Jammu And Kashmir

Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana in Jammu And Kashmir – Government cover all Districts under Health Insurance plan

The state government of Jammu And Kashmir State made an official announcement of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana. The new Bima Yojana has been launched by the state government to offer coverage for all 22 districts within the state. The new Bima Yojana will be organized under the supervision of the Union state government.

Implementation dates

The official announcement of the implementation was made by the state government on 29th Dec 2017. It has also been mentioned that the new Bima Yojana will be implemented on Pilot basis within various districts.

Key Features

  • The new scheme will be implemented by the government officials state wide in all 22 Districts belonging to Jammu and Kashmir state along with Srinagar district.
  • Under the new scheme the beneficiaries will be able to avail protection in terms of financial assistance so it can help in covering all liabilities including the expenses for hospitalization and other health ailments.
  • Under the new scheme the coverage will be offered to five members from each BPL family so they can make use of cashless hospitalization facilities that will be equivalent up to Rs 30000 for entire year for each family within the state.
  • According to the updates it has also been mentioned that benefit will also be offered to each of the senior citizen who is registered under the scheme. The insurance coverage will be offered to senior citizens as additional coverage that will be equivalent to up to Rs 30,000 .
  • The coverage for the senior citizens under the scheme will be offered by Senior citizens health insurance scheme. The benefit will only be offered to the senior citizen whose family is registered under the scheme.
  • According to the updates collected from the officials, the CM has also directed the Health ad Medical Education Secretary to speed up the process of implementation within various districts.
  • The process for speed up has been directed by the CM so each of the poor family members can get immediate benefit of the Insurance and health coverage.
  • According to the statements made the central government will help cover around 90 percent of the share while the state government will help cover around 10 percent of share from the premium amount for the beneficiary.


According to the updates made, the new Bima Yojana will offer insurance coverage for senior Citizens and families belonging to the BPL class (Below Poverty Line) category.

The state government has also made it very clear that free of cost health care services will be provided to the beneficiaries in state owned private or public hospitals. To ensure best implementation the state government will also provide beneficiaries with smart card facilities.

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