Road Accident Victims Compensation Scheme in Gujarat Free Medical Treatment at hospitals

Road Accident Victims Compensation Scheme in Gujarat Free Trauma Care Emergency Medical Treatment in 48 Hour at hospitals Govt will pay 50000 rs

Accidents are rampant in India. Each year, thousands of people lose their lives in road accidents. Serious road accidents cause spot deaths, while others do not survive as they do not receive timely treatment. To prevent such sorry incidents, the state government of Gujarat has come up with a new accident assistance scheme. In this program, the state will be responsible for paying the treatment fee on behalf of the road accident victims, for first two days.

Road Accident Victims Compensation Scheme in Gujarat

Launch details

This unique and necessary scheme was announced by the Deputy CM of Gujarat. Nitin Patel is also in charge of State Health Department, and launched this program on 9th May, 2018. So, he made the official announcement for this scheme. He also pointed out that, with the implementation of this road assistance scheme, the state authority will be able to ensure that all accident victims get proper medical treatment.

Benefits of this scheme

  1. Proper treatment for the victims – The state government came up with this accident assistance scheme to ensure that people do not lose their precious lives due to lack of proper treatment. As the state will pay the fee, all hospitals will readily admit the patients.
  2. No issue for volunteers – Small healthcare units do not have all treatment facilities. Private hospitals do not admit patients without an admission fee. When an accident takes place on the street, volunteers do not admit the victim in private hospitals because of the fee issue. With this scheme in place, the state can remove this handicap for good.
  3. Financial aid from the state – It has been mentioned that the state will pay as much as Rs. 50000 for the treatment of the accident victims, in any hospital, for treatment during the first 48 hours.
  4. Hospitals will not charge any money – The state government said that when an accident takes place on the road, both private and public healthcare institutes must admit the patients immediately. They must not charge any fee for first 48 hours. The state authority will later make the payments on behalf of the victim.
  5. Duration of free treatment – It has been mentioned in the draft of this scheme that the state will offer the cost of treatment, for any road accident victim for a span of first 48 hours. Once the danger period is over, the patient party can take over the matters and do as they please.
  6. Private as well as government hospitals – The scheme will apply for both private hospitals as well as all medical care institutions, which are under the state government.
  7. For all accident victims – When an accident happens, it will not differentiate between the victims. Thus, to extend a helping hand towards all accident victims, the state government accounted that residents of other states, as well as foreigners, will also receive this benefit.

Need for the scheme

A survey suggests that in Gujarat, around 29,300 road accidents take place each year. 6,400 of total road victims lose their lives due to late treatment. Public hospitals are not always equipped for offering fast treatment. But the admission fee in private institutes is high. So, volunteers have to search for a public hospital. This wastes precious time. An assistance scheme like this will ensure that all accident victims will get proper support, without worrying about financial payments.

Though this scheme can save the lives of many people, the state government, with the help of police is trying their best to increase awareness among the common people. Once the people are aware of traffic and road safety rules, the number of accidents will come down drastically.

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